July 17th to 22nd, 2023 | 9:30-4:30PM | LIVE TRAINING


Have you spent your life working for less than what you’re worth -- you believe you deserve more... Do you want to give your clients the results they've been dreaming of with out years of work






How you can help your clients end their weekly disappointments and lifetime of failing, move them from inaction to consistent action... and turn their lives around, creating real clarity, vision and transformation.

Discover a powerful and effective strategy to help your clients resolve problems and limiting beliefs at the unconscious level - often even without their conscious awareness.

Uncover the system for structuring every part of the sales process to attract clients and help more people... while inspiring them to harness the power of their minds. Plus, 16 negotiating tactics you can use to get more YES-es.


Did you know that people in helping professions have high burn out rates

You feel trapped, overwhelmed working the same 6-8 client hours every day. You’re doing well by your clients. But mentally, you’re in a worse state with all this anxiety about your job and your life.

You have a family who loved you so dearly, yet you feel like you weren’t giving them the best of you. And worse, you weren’t even giving yourself the best as well. 

You feel like you are doing great work, but aren’t getting compensated for it like you should. You feel you’re up for something great and you know you deserve more. More income. More Freedom. More Significance.

Am I hearing, “Yeah, that’s me!” to any or all of the above? Cool! Well, you’re in the right place!


If you really want to live your ideal life, do what you sincerely love, and never look back at your old, soul-sucking life... something has to change.

“When you do the things in the present that you can see, you are shaping the future that you are yet to see."

I’m a Licensed Mental Health Counselor, CIT in EMDR, Nutritional Therapist, Alternative Medicine Practitioner, Masters Addictions Professional, CEU provider, certified trainer of NLP, hypnosis, EFT, time techniques, success and life coaching.

My mission is to educate, inspire, and guide therapists, coaches, and practitioners who want to be a part of the “change” movement... through the power of the OM Method.


I need to do something DIFFERENT.

I realized life was not just about helping people and earning money.

In a nutshell, you have to live, love and matter. #LLM

It’s about living a life of purpose and making a footprint here on Earth, which marks your very existence. And having full control over your life — while giving the best of you, to your loved ones and to yourself.

And to fulfill the #LLM mantra, I did what I considered the boldest step - I signed up for a premium coaching certification class. I became a Certified Trainer and Practitioner. My life turned the right way up.

I am proud to introduce to you my complete premium program called THE OM COACHING MASTERY CERTIFICATION:

Become a top-level personal development master and make more money than your practice through this simple, complete system...

Which gives you permission to CREATE a successful life and business, INFLUENCE more people with more impact, BUILD a purpose-driven movement...while earning more like clockwork — even if you’re clueless about business.


who are ready to start making a BIG difference by up-leveling their lives and start living with a purpose -- while earning more.

These proven strategies are presented in a logical order, so you don’t have to reinvent the wheel.

You’ll discover how to properly harness the profound power of the subconscious mind... the natural laws of the universe and your limitless energy…

And maximize them to help your clients and yourself obtain mastery of your life... while designing a future which fulfills your deepest desires.

And to top it off, I also added bonuses which cover more useful strategies you can use to make your business fly.

You’ll have everything you need to get your business up and running like a well-oiled income-generating machine on autopilot...

Giving you more money than your actual practice — while becoming the best personal development master and influencer to thousands of people.

This system is so complete as if I’ve given you the key, even opened the safe for you and handed you your dream life in a gold platter — only if you act on it.

No stones left unturned as we go deeper from discovering your real power and potential to manifesting breakthroughs left and right... not only for you but also for your clients.

Here’s how The Complete OM Coaching Mastery Certification Program can help you change your life today…

The OM Program

Valued at $4,997

This program is packed with all the techniques, strategies and processes you need to start and build a certified coaching business. You’ll never need to reinvent the wheel, as this system is proven and tested to work with thousands of clients worldwide.

You’ll be equipped with the needed solutions for you to work with clients and have a deep level of understanding of how your mind works and how you can use it to its fullest potential…

While working with the natural laws of the universe so you and your clients can create a clearer picture of the future, achieve goals faster and give yourself permission to receive all the blessings you deserve.

  • Read your clients’ patterns simply by looking in their eyes, so you can help them how they can fix their limiting beliefs and grow with an abundance mindset.
  • Discover the 5-letter word patterns which are useful for creating momentum towards a compelling future. These also install choices for a new identity.
  • Uncover how to use language consciously to achieve your communication goals and control conversations chunking up or toning down to levels of greater ambiguity or specificity.
  • โ€‹The 11-letter word which allows you to subtly convert suggestions to the subconscious mind without critical analysis and help you create new and better internal representation for people.
  • โ€‹Discover a powerful and effective strategy to help your clients resolve problems at the unconscious level - often even without their conscious awareness.
  • โ€‹How you can replace the meaning of memories in the past, so your clients can finally move and let go of the negative experience and emotion associated with it.
  • โ€‹Discover different techniques you can use to shift your clients’ minds from where they are right now to a state of freedom, abundance and joy. 
  • โ€‹The five-step process to get ideal clients from start to finish effortless — even if you’re new to the business. 
  • โ€‹16 negotiating tactics you can use to get more YES and help more people in the long run.
  • โ€‹Discover a powerful technique on how to stop a smoker from smoking almost instantly.

In a nutshell, I’ll hold you by the hand until you become the personal development master you want to be.

ADDITIONAL TRAINING COURSES Included With Your OM Coaching Mastery Certification Program Tuition:

Life and Success Coaching Certification

Valued at $997

Stand out as a leader in one of the fastest-growing, multibillion-dollar industries. Everyone from corporate execs to new business owners and influencers needs a coach.

Become known as the most powerful, results-creating coach, and feel the fulfillment of making lasting change in your clients’ lives... while getting paid your worth to do work that truly matters and fulfills your spirit.

T.I.M.E. Techniques

Valued at $997

T.I.M.E. Techniques™ is one of the most powerful sets of NLP techniques. If your clients are dealing with deep-rooted sets of limiting beliefs which lingered since childhood... or even past lives...

T.I.M.E is a technique which will help you identify past traumas, however small, and heal from them, so you can live in an empowered way.

They are used to eliminate negative emotions like fear, guilt, or sadness which might be holding you back... release limiting beliefs, banish the effects of phobias and ultimately end the feelings of anxiety.

Clinical Hypnosis Practitioner

Selling at $497

Use the power of hypnosis to powerfully connect with the subconscious mind, and imprint new ways of thinking, habit-busting beliefs, and radically change your life, and the lives of your clients in a single session.

Hypnosis has incredible results for people like helping clients quit smoking, lose weight, or attract abundance, all from a shift from a single session.

Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT Tapping)

Valued at $497

EFT allows you to manage your energy powerfully, and create a higher vibration in your life, using the power of energy tapping.

This quick tool will allow you and your clients to balance the energy systems of the body. And remove the effect and blocks stemming from negative emotions that can break down the electrical currents in your own body.

Tapping uses the same points as acupuncture treatment, but in a way that is accessible for everyone.

Facebook Ads Training

Valued at $1,200

Discover how to run your very own Facebook ads campaign using the most effective method to create a 100% targeted audience for your business in record time.

You’ll also learn how to effectively optimize your Facebook ads campaign. We’ll explain the two most important concepts to correctly optimize your campaigns in order to get the lowest cost to get new clients.

Plus, discover the 8 hottest ways to use Facebook ads to help grow your business, including the do’s and don’ts of Facebook advertising.

Hypnosis MP3

Valued at $200

Discover a proven process derived from ancient indigenous Hawaii people when it comes to forgiving other people. Know this and you’ll learn to forgive those people who’ve done you wrong and feel good going through the process.

It allows us to cut and clear out preconceptions in how we view others to create new connections and rejuvenated relationships.

Exclusive Facebook Group

Valued at $1,199

You’ll be given access to a group of like-minded people who are pursuing the same thing as you. You’ll have the chance to interact, ask questions and even get tips on how to run and scale your business.

It consists of people who share the same dream, goals and struggles as yours. I created it, so you can have a safe haven for you to share your challenges, wins and breakthroughs. A place where you’ll get the support and love for purpose-pushers and change-makers like you.

Inside, you’ll also have one year access to all materials and videos included in your certification program. So, if life gets in the way, you can go back right where you left it and continue what you’ve started.

You’ll also have unlimited access to our exclusive facebook group. If you have any questions, simply post inside the group.

You don’t need to do it alone. You’ll have a group of certified coaches behind your back -- supporting you, encouraging you and even cry with you, if necessary.


We all know the value of investing in ourselves and the impact it can give to the lives of a lot of people.

And we’re all aware that it comes with a price.

As for me, it costs hundreds thousand dollars worth of coaching, courses, books, workshops and masterminds to make this program my best and most comprehensive program yet…

Not to mention the years of study, experimentation, consultation and execution of the learnings to build my impactful, profitable coaching business. Along the way, I’ve experienced a lot of mishaps and mistakes, which costs me thousands of dollars and hours wasted — so you don’t have to.

Now, with all the great content you’ll get from this certification program

(the training, coaching, community, workbook and PDFs)

plus the awesome bonuses, the investment is worth more than the value you’ll get.

And I’m aware that for some people, this is like a hard pill to swallow.


In Summary, You’ll Receive…

  • The OM COACHING MASTERY Program LIVE (Valued at $4,997)
  • The OM COACHING MASTERY TRAINING Program Home Study (Valued at $4,997)
  • Life and Success Coaching Certification (Valued at $997)
  • T.I.M.E Techniques (Valued at $997)
  • Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT Tapping) (Valued at $497)
  • Hypnosis Practitioner (Selling at $497)
  • Facebook Ads Training (Valued at $1,200)
  • Hypnosis MP3 (Valued at $200)
  • Exclusive Facebook Group (Valued at $1,199)


Total Value Including Bonuses $15,581


But don’t worry. You won’t have to pay that much.

When you decide to invest in yourself, you’ll get everything inside the Complete OM COACHING MASTERY Certification Program for only...





OM Coaching Mastery Certification
